Monday, April 2, 2018

It fucking hurts

I dont even know how to describe the pain anymore.
I hurt all.the.time. but when i stop at the end of the day and lay down or sit on the couch the pain rolls over me like waves of fire and the pain is so intense i want to vomit.
My lower back, hips, shoulders and hands are giving me constant grief. At night the pain intensifies to the point where i cant hold anything. My forearms start to ache, like deep in my bones. Then my lower legs, again, deep in my bones.
There is no position that is comfortable.or offers less pain. No amount of pillows for propping or heating pads ease the pain.
So i move constantly. Shifting my legs. Tossing and turning. Moving the heating pad on so high i have good chances of burning myself.
If i dont take medication to sleep it takes me 3 or 4 hours to even fall asleep and then the pain wakes me up. Jolts of pain. Muscle spasms. I wake up gasping, sometimes with tears already streaming down my face.
And then the medication stops working as well and i start self medicating with the pharmacy in my bedside table.